Player Stats

User: TestRuss
Class: Testing 123
Level: 100
Next level: 3 days, 01:54:06
Gold: 3250
Gems: 0
Upgrade level: 5
Alignment: Neutral
Ability: Barbarian
XP: 209
Exp Used: 0/5
Life: 100
Eat Used: -95/200
Scrolls Used: 5/5
Power Potion: 0/1
Mana Potion: 0/1
Luck Potion: 0/1

Data Refreshed: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970
User Host: RussBot!
Admin?: No
Account Created: Fri Apr 15 20:36:14 2022
Last login: Thu Jul 18 10:03:07 2024
Status: Online
Total time idled: 98 days, 13:56:12
Current position: [250,28]
Player is: at work
Work Time: 0 days, 05:20:20
Town Time: 0
Forest Time: 0
Creep Attack in: 0 days, 00:36:04
Dragon Slay in: 0 days, 08:39:12
Battle Recover: 0
Tournament Recover: 0


amulet: 3670
boots: 3594
charm: 3691
gloves: 3624
helm: 3471
leggings: 3372
ring: 4018
shield: 3376
tunic: 3541
weapon: 3522

Sum: 35879

Expert 1: amulet
Expert 2: leggings
Expert 3: helm

Stone 1: Gem
Stone 2: TTL
Stone 3: Gold


Dragons Killed: [155/84]
Creeps Killed: [287/233]
XMAS Creeps Killed: [0/0]
Gods Killed: [10/36]

Penalties & Battles

Battles Won: 1342
Battles Lost: 855
Total Battle Time Removed: 594 days, 15:31:55
Total Battle Time Added: 209 days, 04:02:00
Manual FIGHT commands used (out of 5): 2

Total Penalties
for kick: None
for logout: 19927 days, 23:02:30
for mesg: None
for nick: None
for part: None
for quest: 2 days, 00:00:00
for quit: 0 days, 01:33:04

Total: 19930 days, 00:35:34
Above Is Excluding Battles
Lotto Numbers 1: 0, 0, 0
Lotto Numbers 2: 0, 0, 0
Lotto Numbers 3: 0, 0, 0

Recent Character Modifiers

[07/26/24 21:02:28] (RANDOM-FIGHT) HellSpawn [-42224/-43202] has challenged TestRuss [28523/36370] in combat and LOST! [8 days, 15:07:35] is added to HellSpawn clock. HellSpawn gets [1] XP and TestRuss gets [1] XP. HellSpawn has [-255] LIFE left.
[07/26/24 21:02:28] (TEAM-BATTLE) gusman21, ZombieBot, and RussellB [72016/99580] have team battled ChitFaced, TestRuss, and AmiRuss [10807/39542] and WON! [1 day, 05:46:30] is removed from their clocks.(AWARDS)+[5]] XP ITEMS, STONES, GOLD and GEMS -[61] LIFE + [2] XP To the DEFEATED!
[07/26/24 23:02:30] (TEAM-HUNT)Alpha, gusman21, and TestRuss [46719/47566] have hunted down a bunch of Monster [21471/78879] and defeated them! [0 days, 19:21:59] is removed from their clocks. (AWARDS) [5] XP +chance to find ITEMS, STONES,GOLD,
[07/26/24 23:06:07] (ATTACK-CREEP) TestRuss [3751/36374] has attacked a Bigfoot [4445/35000] and LOST! [0 days, 06:18:55] is added to TestRuss clock. TestRuss gets [2] XP. TestRuss has [94] LIFE left
[07/26/24 23:09:18] (DRAGON-SLAY) TestRuss [77005/72878] tried to slay a Bronze_Dragon [51337/60000] and WON! [0 days, 03:18:51] is removed from TestRuss clock. TestRuss gets [5] XP. Each item gains [6] points.
[07/27/24 03:02:29] (TEAM-BATTLE) radar1213, gusman21, and TestRuss [34807/49108] have team battled ZombieBot, HellSpawn, and Hawk [15891/22204] and WON! [0 days, 23:38:54] is removed from their clocks.(AWARDS)+[5]] XP ITEMS, STONES, GOLD and GEMS -[64] LIFE + [2] XP To the DEFEATED!
[07/27/24 07:02:30] (RANDOM-FIGHT) HellSpawn [-58805/-62656] has challenged TestRuss [15978/37037] in combat and LOST! [11 days, 05:55:27] is added to HellSpawn clock. HellSpawn gets [2] XP and TestRuss gets [3] XP. HellSpawn has [-373] LIFE left.
[07/27/24 07:06:26] (ATTACK-CREEP) TestRuss [42043/37037] has attacked a Bigfoot [14042/35000] and killed it! [0 days, 04:36:47] is removed from TestRuss clock. TestRuss gets [3] XP.
[07/27/24 11:09:34] (DRAGON-SLAY) TestRuss [66489/74698] tried to slay a Bronze_Dragon [30431/60000] and WON! [0 days, 01:59:26] is removed from TestRuss clock. TestRuss gets [6] XP. Each item gains [6] points.
[07/27/24 14:02:29] (RANDOM-FIGHT) Alpha [1574/3087] has challenged TestRuss [22393/37430] in combat and LOST! [0 days, 11:16:35] is added to Alpha clock. Alpha gets [1] XP and TestRuss gets [3] XP. Alpha has [84] LIFE left.

[View all Character Modifiers] (2426)
